Education & Certification


Members have exclusive access to the online
PM Forum. This member-led, confidential, peer-sharing Forum is a secure, interactive space where you’ll meet and exchange information with other preventive medicine thought leaders. You’ll be among the first to learn of, and share your, medical breakthroughs, advances, and insights.

Members have exclusive access to the online PM Forum. This member-led, confidential,
peer-sharing Forum is a secure, interactive space where you’ll meet and exchange information with other preventive medicine thought leaders. You’ll be among the first
to learn of, and share your,
medical breakthroughs, advances, and insights.

Annual Conference

The PM Conference brings together the leaders in the field of preventive medicine and healthy aging, including scientists, researchers, 503b pharmacies, manufacturers, educational groups, and professional services groups. And, unlike other Conferences, individuals who have demonstrated an active interest in preventive medicine and are searching for reliable data, therapies, and solutions to extend their personal healthspan, also attend and are eager to be in the vanguard of medical and scientific advances.

Educational Symposiums/Webinars

PM recognizes that education lays the foundation for advancement, and we are proud to announce our continuing Symposium/Webinar series. Reliable, validated information on medical discoveries and new therapies may literally change a patient’s life, but only if their practitioner, or they, know of them. Dissemination of information often happens at a glacial pace in the medical field, and PM is committed to changing that dynamic. Our Symposiums and Webinars present cutting-edge information that may enhance your life, or, if you are a practitioner, help improve your patient’s healthspans.

CME Credits/Certification

We provide continuing medical education courses on a wide range of important topics including Preventive Medicine and Peptides, Ethics, Hormone Optimization, and Healthspan. These courses are open to Professional and Individual members to inform, educate and advance the quest for significant information about preventive medicine. CME Credits for successful completion are awarded to Professional members.

Mickey Karram, MD

Dr. Karram is an internationally renowned urogynecologist and pelvic surgeon. He is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.  He completed his fellowship training in Urogynecology at Harbor UCLA School of Medicine. He is the Honorary Editor-In-Chief of the International Urogynecology Journal and the consumer publication Female Health Today, as well as the  past president of the American Urogynecology Society.

He has published more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters and has co-authored numerous textbooks including, “Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery,”  the “Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery” along with a series of eight books entitled “Female Pelvic Surgery Video Atlas.”

Dr Karram has directed numerous  post-graduate teaching courses throughout the United States and abroad. He has been invited to lecture and perform demonstration surgeries throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. Dr Karram has been designated by Good Housekeeping magazine as one of the “Best Doctors in America for Women.” He and his wife Mona co-founded the national, not-for-profit, Foundation for Female Health Awareness, which raises funds to support education and research for women’s health.

Become a Founding Member Today!

Membership is Free through 12/31/2021