Institutional Review Board
Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee of healthcare professionals dedicated to overseeing sponsors and investigators on their safe, compliant research.
Preventive Medicine Research Group is an approved and registered Institutional Review Board (IRB). Patient safety is our number one priority, therefore our committee consists of patient advocates and some of the leading experts in medicine to ensure safe, compliant, and ethical research.
Our mission is to provide oversight and advancement of research that is ethical and ensures patient safety, while promoting the effectiveness of clinical protocols in the scope of preventive medicine. We are continuously looking for principal investigators to submit IRB’s and we will help you every step of the way to ensure safe and compliant research.
Preventive Medicine Research Group complies with all federal regulations pertaining to the protection of human research subjects. Preventive Medicine Group has a Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) and is registered with the Office for Human Research Protections.
FWA: 00029564 IORG: 0010577
IRB Registration: 00012539
How to Apply
1. Complete IRB Applicant Contact Form (Our IRB committee reviews the title of your study to vet potential applicants).
2. Complete IRB Application and Attach Corresponding Documents: (All application material is due the last Wednesday of every month)
- IRB Summary
- Research Impact Statement
- Evidence of Competency
- Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator
- Protocol (see attached template & requirements)
- Physician Protocol
- Patient Take Home Protocol
- Physician Questionnaire
- Protocol Calendar
- Participant Informed Consent and Authorization to Use and Disclose Protected Health Information Form
- Recruitment Materials (attach any and all recruiting materials used to enroll subjects. Ex. flyers, advertisements, email, or phone scripts)
3. Payment due at time of application
4. IRB Interview (Board meets 1st Wednesday of each month)
5. IRB Approval or Rejection